Financial Library

Back to Basics

Back to Basics

What problems does the financial industry solve for Canadian consumers? Where is the value added for interacting with the financial industry and why use an Advisor versus doing it yourself online?

To address these questions, here is a refresher on why the financial industry exists in the first place.

Simply speaking, there are two basic functions for the financial industry:

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

No one wants to think about having their identity stolen or experiencing a theft of their finances. It is unpleasant, distasteful, and often feels like the type of thing that happens to other people, not to ourselves.

The sad truth is that, every single year, identity theft crimes result in billions of dollars lost by individuals just like you. Unfortunately, those numbers are expected to continue rising in the future.

Remember Me!

With spring just around the corner, many Canadians have young people in their lives who are graduating from university, professional schools or community colleges. When the excitement of Commencement wears off, they are faced with the challenge of finding their first full-time paid jobs.


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